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Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo

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Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs cancer, leo and virgo stay on top of the daily horoscope predictions for your sign.

Cancer: June 21 - July 22

Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Moon

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You're in a reflective phase today, contemplating thoughts beyond your reality. Exercise caution not to deceive yourself or be misled by others. Attend to your spiritual needs for inner peace. At work, observe rather than speak and draw your conclusions. Focus more on your relationship and offer the needed energy to overcome obstacles. Lucky numbers: 08, 10, 36, 41, 45, 68.

Verse of the Day: Matthew 20:16
Suggested Color: Orange

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Leo: July 23 - August 22

Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Sun

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Your sincerity will be at its peak today, especially in expressing your thoughts, feelings, and desires, particularly in relationships. It's a favorable day to propose innovative ideas at work. Also, be aware of a person with high purchasing power who could aid in advancing your career. In matters of love, choose a trustworthy partner. Lucky numbers: 10, 22, 28, 44, 51, 67.

Verse of the Day: Psalms 103:2
Suggested Color: Green

Virgo: August 23 - September 22

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Mercury

Be mindful of your thoughts; negativity only hinders your dreams and lowers self-esteem. Stay true to yourself at work and ignore negative comments born out of envy. Take the initiative to fulfill your needs in both professional and romantic aspects. Let go a bit in your relationship. Lucky numbers: 09, 10, 18, 29, 42, 50.

Verse of the Day: Hebrews 6:14
Suggested Color: Blue

Veja mais sobre Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs Cancer, Leo, Virgo você pode visitar nossa categoria clicando aqui 👉 Leo.

Amanda Cristina

Amanda Cristina é uma redatora talentosa e uma das mentes criativas por trás do famoso blog “Local do Amor”. Nascida em uma pequena cidade do interior, Amanda sempre teve paixão por escrever desde cedo. Ela costumava passar horas imersa em livros e cadernos, explorando mundos diferentes e imaginando histórias fascinantes.Em busca de um canal para compartilhar suas paixões e conhecimentos, me tornei editora do “Local do Amor”, um espaço virtual dedicado a explorar temas como: relacionamentos, amor, autoconhecimento, mensagens e muito mais.

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