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Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs libra, scorpio and sagittarius

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Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs libra, scorpio and sagittarius stay on top of the daily horoscope predictions for your sign.

Libra: September 23 - October 22

Element: Air
Ruling Planet: Venus

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Today is ideal for finalizing projects or reviving old ones. Embrace a clean-up process internally and externally, letting go of useless things and unproductive feelings. At work, earn your place through merit, maintaining grace and wisdom in all endeavors. Reflect on your partner's personality and assess your relationship's worth. Lucky numbers: 10, 11, 13, 15, 33, 42.

Verse of the Day: 1 Samuel 2:8
Suggested Color: Purple

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Scorpio: October 23 - November 21

Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Mars & Pluto

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Your mind will focus on new projects or plans today as you reflect on your personal life. Let go of selfish thoughts in your relationship for a lighter experience. Lucky numbers: 10, 41, 44, 46, 57, 68.

Verse of the Day: Job 22:28
Suggested Color: White

Sagittarius: November 22 - December 21

Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Move forward regardless of people or circumstances, as progression is vital for your growth. Changes in family or relationships are in motion; trust that they will be beneficial. Acknowledge your professional progress and be grateful, maintaining diligence in your career. Enjoy life more, spending time with loved ones or friends. Lucky numbers: 10, 27, 32, 39, 57, 68.

Verse of the Day: Psalms 147:11
Suggested Color: Pink

Veja mais sobre Horoscope for the 12-05-2023 for the signs libra, scorpio and sagittarius você pode visitar nossa categoria clicando aqui 👉 Libra.

Amanda Cristina

Amanda Cristina é uma redatora talentosa e uma das mentes criativas por trás do famoso blog “Local do Amor”. Nascida em uma pequena cidade do interior, Amanda sempre teve paixão por escrever desde cedo. Ela costumava passar horas imersa em livros e cadernos, explorando mundos diferentes e imaginando histórias fascinantes.Em busca de um canal para compartilhar suas paixões e conhecimentos, me tornei editora do “Local do Amor”, um espaço virtual dedicado a explorar temas como: relacionamentos, amor, autoconhecimento, mensagens e muito mais.

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