Horoscope for the 12-12-2023 for the signs Taurus

Horoscope for the 12-12-2023 for the signs Taurus, stay on top of the daily horoscope predictions for your sign.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

Element: Earth
Ruling Planet: Venus

Taurus, a new professional journey awaits! Embrace it wholeheartedly, letting go of concerns about others' opinions. It's time for personal growth. Show kindness at work and watch for an intriguing individual entering your romantic sphere. Lucky numbers: 02, 10, 30, 46, 47, 48. Your verse of the day: Jeremiah Chapter 1 Verse 7. Today's suggested color: Red.

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Amanda Cristina

Amanda Cristina is a talented writer and one of the creative minds behind the famous blog “Local do Amor”. Born in a small country town, Amanda has always had a passion for writing from an early age.

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